Handcrafted Rhetorics at #4C23 Chicago

Join us in Chicago for several HR-sponsored events this year:

Thursday, Feb 16 at 1:45 p.m. • Williford C (3rd floor)
C.18 • Roundtable: “Making Hope: Handcrafted Rhetorics as a Way to Encourage Invention, Reuse, and Resistance in Composing Communities”
Since 2015, the Handcrafted Rhetorics SIG has sponsored occasions at the CCCC Convention for members of the field to create, connect with community makers, and discuss the relationship between critical making and composition practices. This roundtable asks, “How can we make hope in our scholarship and pedagogy?” Attendees will leave with tangible, tactile strategies to create hope in local contexts.

Access the zine from this roundtable session here


Thursday, Feb 16 at 6:30 p.m. • Group Salon A-1 (lower level)
TSIG.06 • Handcrafted Rhetorics SIG
This is a chance for scholars, teachers, and community organizers to converse about the relationships among craft, DIY, multimodality, making, public composition, and culture. Come and meet folks, share new projects, exchanging teaching ideas, and more!

Saturday, Feb 18 at 2:00 p.m. • Salon A-3 (lower level)
SW.04 • Handcrafted Rhetorics Workshop (FREE!)
This informal workshop will begin at the conference site with a short activity before taking the CTA to Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood to visit Quimby’s Bookstore. Stick around for a meal and/or drink at Piece Brewery, right around the corner.

By Skvader – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=122151729

Chicago Transit Authority website